Saturday, June 09, 2012

Sketching Exercises

A while back I was fed up with my tight, fiddly work, so I pinned some very big pieces of paper to an easel and went to work with charcoal or Chinese ink. Putting my shoulder into it felt extremely liberating.


Joan Tavolott said...

These look big enough to get loose with. Great sketches!

dinahmow said...

Oh! Cookin' with gas!

I love the top pigeon, Robyn.

Bridget Hunter said...

I can just imagine the feeling - and must try it too. Lovely big loose works.

Suma CM said...

You've really captured the character of the pigeon -- nice exercises!

Unknown said...

Interesting exercises Robyn

Making A Mark said...

Great stuff - you need to work bigger more often! :)

carlarey said...

Love these sketches! It's to get back to something like this now and then, the art equivalent of jumping on a trampoline.

Sherrie York said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the birds. Personality plus. Beautiful line quality, great gesture.

Robyn Sinclair said...

I'm sorry, it's very rude of me not to have acknowledged all your lovely comments. My excuse was that I was obsessing over a trip to Paris.

Now I'm back and am truly touched and encouraged by all your comments.

Lindsay said...

Very nice job on the pigeons! They wiggle around so much it's hard to get them but you nailed them.

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