Sunday, February 11, 2007

Van Gogh inspired colour

I printed the scan of my original sketch for the Cloisters on a piece of very old 90lbs Canson Montval watercolour paper. I did a light wash of Cad Yellow and Cobalt Turquoise WN watercolours and then went to work with the watercolour pencils (Lyra Rembrandt and Caran D'Ache Prismalo). My inspiration for the colour was Vincent Van Gogh's Hospital Hall.

I masked the drawing with masking tape which proved to be a disaster on this paper. It ripped shreds off when I removed it! What did I learn from this exercise, apart from the nasty masking tape lesson? This is far from the actual colour of my reference (below), so it really has encouraged me to be much bolder with colour choices in future.
The Entrance Hall of Saint-Paul Hospital - 1889
Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam


Laureline said...

This reminds me of some David Hockney drawings from the 80s or 90s! So colorful and so well observed.

Robyn Sinclair said...

If only, David Hockney! I would love his sketchbooks on DVD. Thank you Laura!

Lindsay said...

This is really beatuiful. I found you through Laura's place.

Robyn Sinclair said...

Thank you Lindsay. Laura's Blog is an absolute favourite of mine too.

Casey Klahn said...

I get shudders looking at the entrance to the asylum, but then you see the van Gogh canvases, which want to light up the room.
You have gained the colors very well, even the columns match the VG work. I am reminded how reflected light gathers and intensifies in these arches.

Robyn Sinclair said...

Casey - I haven't read enough about Vincent's time in the asylum but just looking at his paintings from that period, I get a sense that maybe he felt safe there and it freed him up. Or is that a load of old codswallop?
Thank you for all your encouragement, it is great to have good company on this journey.

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