Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Sketching in Rome

 From our room with a view

Largo di Torre Argentina

We recently had the good fortune to spend three days in Rome staying in a delightful suite overlooking the ruins in Largo di Torre Argentina. 

How did I score three days in Rome?  Well, Italy happened to be playing Ireland at Rugby in the old Olympic Stadium.

I would probably have been bored to tears had Italy not won!

The highlight of the trip (for me) was discovering a wonderful little kosher restaurant in the old Ghetto where I finally saw how to prepare Carciofi alla Romana.  The fridge is now full of globe artichokes.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Patonga Pelican Linocut

 Linocut 10 cm x 13cm
One of my favourite things about going home to Australia is to see the pelicans at Patonga.  Well it won't be long now but in the meantime I've made this two plate linocut.  Not sure which I prefer.  I think the first one.
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