What's this? Two posts in one day! Too much coffee I think.
Pressing on with Van Gogh, I bit off more than I could chew. This little Persimmon is one of my favourite trees - she is beautiful in every season. This is her best outfit - her fruit, deep gold baubles throughout the winter. This Christmas she was hung with tiny white fairy lights. Tiffany's eat your heart out. But all this I leave to your imagination because as you can see, I made some bad choices here. Why on earth I put in that horrible building on the left, when it isn't even there! And why did I put in the young Cypress, which is there but does nothing for my composition. I guess I thought it was very Van Gogh! We won't mention the darks in the olive trees - please!
So what am I left with from today's study? Well, I quite like the lines that define the ground - these I learned from Vincent.
wow. great colors again. love it. btw: you has asked: my first name is Kerstin.
Thank you, Kerstin. I'm going to have another go at this one. I like this colour too.
Well, see, what the cypress and the building and the darks of the olive trees do is to sweep your eye from left to right across the sketch and to set off that same sweeping movement that is in the persimmon tree itself. Kind of like a mounting for a gemstone. Oui, c'est vrai ;D.
Laura, bless you, I almost believe you! What a wonderful friend you are. Thank you.
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