Pentel Pocket Brush Pen
This is the little bantam rooster who lived a short but happy life at my favourite olive farm.
My darling daughter bought me the brush pen for Christmas and of course, since Roz Stendahl inspired my passion for a brush pen, it's not surprising that my first inspiration was to draw fowl, which is something Roz does so brilliantly.
My darling daughter bought me the brush pen for Christmas and of course, since Roz Stendahl inspired my passion for a brush pen, it's not surprising that my first inspiration was to draw fowl, which is something Roz does so brilliantly.
Hi Robyn, I love this rooster. He has such presence (or should I say 'had') anyway you have captured the attitude. I love the ink and brush work and of course the color one is wonderful.
What vibrant colors you can achieve with gouache. But what I find most inspiring is the progression from mind to hand in the brush drawings.
Despite what you say, this handsome chappy is so vibrant and alive!! Well done with the line work too.
Robyn, although I commented in the post, must re-iterate how great the snow scene is in respect of tone, composition and atmosphere. Just have to keep popping back to take another look. !!
I love Coq au vin and I can prepare a good one!
But not only for that reason this guache is watering my mouth :).
Pat - He did have great attitude - there are some who think he died of overexertion of a romantic nature.
Marta - Thank you - that makes me feel great!
Joan - That's wonderful :)
Martin - I don't think this little rooster would have made much of a meal. Coq au vin sounds great though!
Just beautiful!
Oh I love this!! Being in a "fowl" mood quite often, this is one of my favorite subjects. They are such funny creatures. I have just never been able to capture the personality, as you have. And I am still oh so envious of the kraft paper sketchbook! :) Still looking for one!
Your work with gouache is amazing.
Great sketches of the rooster, but I love your gouache portrait of him at the top. Wonderful color and texture. Super!!
He is very handsome indeed. Such vibrant colour. I love him.
Wonderful! I love these, Robyn. I have wanted to try one of those brushes--I hear good things about them. Do you like it?
Isn't your gouace rooster just stunning! And I so love the playing around with spatters and pentel..I STILL haven't touched the gouache, like I said last time I was here...tzt, tzt, tzt.(Not that I have touched anything lately..) But I DO feel inspired every time I see your gouche work!
I thought you would be in Ozzieland by now?
Robyn, wonderful work. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you all.
Sue - I love my Brush Pen, I think you would too.
Oh, you also got it for Christmas from your daughter - snap! Your brushpen lines are lovely, lively and capture his cockiness perfectly. The gouache painting is so vibrant and life-like, I think his little amorous soul lives on!
I like all of them, but especially love the way the eye in the gouache-on-kraft rooster seems to look haughtily (maybe also a tad wistfully?) out upon the world!
These are fantastic! My grandmother used to have a "pet" rooster she loved, as well.
Wow, Robyn! I love that gouache rooster! That's exactly the sort of thing I would love to do - can you feel the green glow emanating from me as I write? Really nice work.
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