Morning Snow - Gouache on Terraskin 19.5 x 13.5cm
At the beginning of December Jeanette Jobson who blogs on Illustrated Life started testing various media on a new ground called Terraskin which is made from a crushed mineral powder held together with a non-toxic resin - effectively paper out of stone. Since Jeanette only has one tube of gouache I volunteerd to test the Terraskin as a ground for gouache.
We woke to snow this morning so I dashed out to the garden to take some photos and used one as a reference for the little painting above. The 'paper' has a beautiful soft, smooth, almost velvety surface and is quite heavy. It cuts beautifully but wouldn't tear easily. I noticed in the tests I did on a scrap that it is quite easy to lift highlights from painted areas but one has to be careful because the paint takes longer to dry than on watercolour paper and colours will run into semi dry areas. The gouache dries to a lovely smooth bright finish on this paper. I imagine it would be great for reproduction.
I'm trying very hard not to fall in love with Terraskin because I don't imagine I'm going to find it in Italy in the near future. Many, many thanks, Jeanette for your generosity in sharing some samples.
We woke to snow this morning so I dashed out to the garden to take some photos and used one as a reference for the little painting above. The 'paper' has a beautiful soft, smooth, almost velvety surface and is quite heavy. It cuts beautifully but wouldn't tear easily. I noticed in the tests I did on a scrap that it is quite easy to lift highlights from painted areas but one has to be careful because the paint takes longer to dry than on watercolour paper and colours will run into semi dry areas. The gouache dries to a lovely smooth bright finish on this paper. I imagine it would be great for reproduction.
I'm trying very hard not to fall in love with Terraskin because I don't imagine I'm going to find it in Italy in the near future. Many, many thanks, Jeanette for your generosity in sharing some samples.
This is lovely with the touches of snow on the roofs and the ground. The Terraskin looks like an interesting material...nice bright colors.
We are expecting a bit more snow than you have. A "blizzard" is predicted and we should be getting 8-12 inches of snow by tomorrow. I hope I can get out to take some photos of it.
That is beautiful, Robyn! And that paper sounds like a lot of fun. I wonder if it could be sent from the uk?
We have snow here as well, not much by my standards, but enough to slow down trains and scare everyone off the road. It's nice right before Christmas though - by January I only want Spring to come.
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
Robyn, I totally like this, it is one of the most beautiful paintings have seen this year.
Robyn, you've worked your magic on this support and its beautiful. I haven't tried other paints on it yet but it seems that it adheres well for you.
Thanks for volunteering to test this new paper Robyn. I'm sure I can find a way to get more to you if you really want it.
I will have to try the Terraskin. I love what you have done with it and have pulled out my gouache for a bit too.
We have a snow storm here, with 15 inches of snow and just regained electricity after 48 hours without any! It is a beautiful snow, however.
Merry Christmas to you~
Yummy, your qouache work is so lovely.
Simply love the contrasts of texture and colours in this glorious gouache trial piece. Is it anywhere as smooth as the YUPO I was introduced to last year?
I so admire how you hear about new media and techniques and jump right in and give something a whirl. Good for you--and with such lovely results: just beautiful. Happiest of holidays to you!
Gorgeous! You know how much I love your Italian architectural paintings and this one is FABULOUS. Does watercolor work on Terraskin?
Gosh, this is beautiful! Really so evocative and so well painted! I came to wish you a very happy Christmas, Robyn. I've missed corresponding with you and keeping abreast of your work and life these past hectic months.
Hope your holidays are bright--and that 2010 brings a rendezvous to us!
I've been missing in that horrible place called 'Painting Not Going Well' - the painting won! Thank you all for your lovely comments and my best wishes for a very Christmas.
Martin - Your wonderful comment came just when I needed propping up. Thank you :)
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas Robyn, and wonderful New Year! Your art is always like a ray of sunshine even in mid-winter! I look forward to seeing what you get up to in 2010! ;)
This is so lovely Robyn, with the soft new snow around those sunny buildings - it must be good consolation for the one that didn't work out. A late Merry Christmas, and a happy New Year to you and yours.
Hi Robyn,
In the Matisse Dry Mediums, there is Ground Quartz and also Wollastonite. They are ground up minerals that you buy as a powder and mix with a medium and apint onto your paper to make a surface suitable for pastels. I am wondering if it is anything like the surface that you have been using.
It would be nothing like Yupo at all - far more textured and grainy.
Wendy - This paper has quite a smooth and velvety surface. Interesting to know one can buy a paint on textured ground for pastels though. Sounds like you haven't had great weather over Christmas, but cool is probably a relief. I'm fed up with dull, grey weather at the moment.
Hi Robyn, Happy New Year!
This painting is most wonderful. A delight to see it unfold on to my the computer screen.
Oh, it's vibrant. I love the look. Your work as always, inspires me.......time I get back to the easel! Best wishes for the new year!
Love the contrasting shapes and colors of the buildings, and the way the matte, bright colors contrast with the atmospheric and textured background - so interesting and enjoyable a piece to look at.
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