The Christmas before last there were two identical presents under our Christmas tree. We had each bought the other a TomTom portable GPS Car Navigation System. Since we now only have one car it was obviously a last ditch attempt, on both our parts, to save our marriage.
The story has a happy ending because, even though I had warned him: 'Don't buy me anything you want yourself!', I got to take the one he bought me back to the store, where I gave the nice young Italian a bit more money, and got myself the Nikon D40x digital camera I'd really wanted.
Where is this ramble going? It's going on a ramble! Some of you will recall I joined the Sketchercise Ning a while back as one of a group of artists who like to walk for pleasure and exercise and sketch along the way. Sketchercise was created by Katherine Tyrrell of Making a Mark. Joining gave me a tremendous boost because I actually started painting little watercolours en plein air.
Recently some of the clever people at Sketchercise started posting links to Google Maps that outlined the routes they took on their walks. Ignoring the fact that map! is a four letter word, I wanted to get with the technology and make my own Google Map which would not only include the route but photos of my paintings where I painted them. Easy! Well, not exactly. It may be a problem with my Mac not having an Intel processor but I still can't post a photograph on a Google Map, so I've come up with two alternative versions.
1. A map marking the routes of my regular walks.

2. A map showing my paintings on location.

I have lost a couple of days trying to sort this out but I thought some of you with smarter computers; more technological nous; time on your hands, might like to map where you paint and sketch and share it with the world.
* HWEM - He Who Encourages Me
that is a really good idea :) going to have to do this next time we go for a walk and take some pictures
Robyn, it seems you did pretty well with the maps to me. Your long walk! :D My exercise takes a big enough part of my day without stopping to sketch while I'm out. And I worry that if I stopped mid-way to sketch I might be tempted to call someone to come drive me home!
Robyn, this is a very clever idea. I love your little watercolors and it's fun for me to be able to see the map of your walks. Jim and I walk our dogs every day and then take an extra spin by ourselves. We might try this.
Brilliant post. Stop knocking yourself - you seem to be able to navigate your way round most computer technology I'd be proud of. On top of that you are a great plein air artist/sketcher and walker. What talent.! I only manage down to the river (5 mins), the local mill pool (15 mins) and the village centre 5 mins and oh yes, the allotment at the end of my lane. I don't seem to have time for more and do most of my artwork in my little study/studio.
I'm with him. She couldn't read a map if it were* written in words of one syllable.
* = the subjunctive. Try it sometime. Add some poetry to your posts.
Hi Robyn, Great post and your maps are wonderful! I am still trying to get my map done. I can't seem to link it to my blog. I ran out of time two days ago when I was working on it but will give it another try tomorrow.
One is impressed that Dermott retains his impeccable command of English, despite his being almost Italian these days.
And I'm pretty impressed with your maps, Robyn. A simple click enlarges them;if I want "more" I can simply enter your co ordinates on Google Earth. Facile!
(And, yes, four letter word, indeed, as is "man!"!)
Wow! I would say you are doing just fine. It looks like you walk a long distance.
Do you like your Nikon D40? I am looking at the D5000 and the D90, as well as the D40.
Love Dermott commenting!! :)
moreidlethoughts - be that as it may, while the subjunctive is virtually extinct in English, it's very much alive in Italian. Se avessi avuto i mezzi per insegnare alla Robyn il congiuntivo, sarei stato un cane contento.
Dana - my simple aim is to lift the tone of her posts. The art is great, the syntax sucks.
Brilliant....I am so jealous at least you can make your won google map...I can't figure it out...but I am good with reading maps when we are taking a trip...:-) JilM
this is a great idea...lookes like Mr Livingston's thing will be to start writing some books on all the adventures come across on these routes, of which there are many - I remmeber some tree clinbing...
Dana - I love my D40x Nikon. It doesn't have a built-in focus drive motor. That is in the lens and if I want extra lenses they will be more expensive because I need them to have a built in motor. None of this bothers me. I've borrowed a big lens on occasions because I would love to be able to take great reference photos of birds. However, I also know I get sick of carrying around a big lens so I probably shouldn't waste the money.
Both the D5000 and D90 look great - if I were buying now I'd probably be tempted by new technology. I usually am ;)
As usual, thank you all for lovely comments. Dermott do not consider yourself part of 'all'.
Brilliant move, I'd say! I mean, you get the Tom Tom in the car and the camera of your dreams!!! I'm still working on that one!
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